Case Studies
Retail Business Owner
Mark owns and operates a retail chain of surfing products, boardwear and accessories. Like any retailer, Mark knows that good inventory control is critical to ensuring that an adequate level of stock is on hand for the volume of sales being generated and he needed a solution for this.
So Mark asked Data Insight Consulting to build a solution that would plan its merchandise sales and purchases. After listening to Mark’s specific business needs, our team came back with an end-to-end solution that extracted point of sales and inventory data to present an Open-To-Buy (OTB) planning dashboard. The information was automatically refreshed and the OTB automatically displayed so Mark and his team could use this Tableau dashboard on a regular basis.
By keeping a close eye on the stock on hand per store, product, category, brand.. Mark’s retail chain can now efficiently buy new stock when it is needed.
Industries We're Working With
Data Insight Consulting